Snippet optimization
In October 2010, the topic “Optimizing the appearance of the site in the search results…

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Features and examples of the development of B2B sites
The goals and objectives of B2B sites are larger and more complex from those that…

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Which domain to choose for the site?
A domain name is more than the address of your site. This is a business…


Where can I buy an article for the site: the exchange of low-cost content
When creating your site, the question arises about its content. Well, not everyone can or…

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TOP 5 best corporate sites of companies
It so happened that in a web environment, developers spend most of their time on…


information about

Everything you need to know about the corporate website

The idea of ​​a site that is able to work on two fronts at once, solving tasks and employees of a company and its clients, possessing tremendous opportunities and inevitably achieving set goals, is by no means a utopia. Today, the corporate website has become something more than the information representation of the company in the network. This is one of the most powerful tools for commercial and non-profit organizations, companies of large and medium-sized businesses, contributing to their rapid and stable development on the Internet. What is the secret of this site? We will understand further. Continue reading