Units of Information
In the process of recalculation has its own nuances. It is because of them that…

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How to design the perfect footer site?
Website owners often do not pay attention to the footer, thinking that it does not…

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TOP 5 best corporate sites of companies
It so happened that in a web environment, developers spend most of their time on…


Facts about Google: search history and interesting projects
Today, Google is associated not only with the most popular web site - Google search…

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Facts about Google: search history and interesting projects
Today, Google is associated not only with the most popular web site - Google search…


can increase profits

Rewriting and selling copywriting: see what it is

Friends and colleagues, hello! I love to conduct a comparative analysis of the whole row. Do you think it has nothing to do with copywriting? Perhaps, for the near-ryter, tapping out another bediolovny tekstik and does not have, but you and I will benefit. Today, using this method, I will tell you what it is – rewriting and copywriting and how they are fundamentally different.

To begin with, why did the desire to compare these two types of work on texts ever occur? Continue reading