Review of online logo creation services: paid and free ways
Greetings to all readers of my blog, without exception. Each of you sees a lot…

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How to design the perfect footer site?
Website owners often do not pay attention to the footer, thinking that it does not…

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Who and when invented the Internet: who created it and when the first site was launched
Do you know at what speed I went online for the first time? 32 kilobits…


What is SEO optimization
Surely you have heard about the search engine promotion site. Even if you do not…

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How to promote Landing page?
After creating the landing page, it is important to think about its promotion. In 90%…


Internet services

How to find out the date the site was created: what it is for, who needs it and how

Yes, I remember how I was deceived when I was a novice and bought myself a young and promising site, as it seemed to me. I bought it on the stock exchange of used websites, and it turned out to be an old, abandoned former owner, overbought and buried in me like a sucker. Domain drop was, but more on that below. There will be a continuation of this sad story and one more story – generally tin.

Hello dear visitor, today we talk about age. Continue reading

The main stages of creating a site
The sequence of creating the site and a clear study of the stages is the…


Choosing a niche for an information site
But first a little intro. What is an information site and why do it? Suppose…
