Features and examples of the development of B2B sites
The goals and objectives of B2B sites are larger and more complex from those that…

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The main stages of creating a site
The sequence of creating the site and a clear study of the stages is the…

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The @ sign: the history of the appearance of a character when writing an email address, and for what reason it is called "dog"
Many of the global network jargon have come into our lives. Such memes include cake,…


How to design the perfect footer site?
Website owners often do not pay attention to the footer, thinking that it does not…

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Choosing a niche for an information site
But first a little intro. What is an information site and why do it? Suppose…


project to another hosting

What is the creation of a turnkey website?

Now it has become fashionable to use the phrase “turnkey” as a prefix to the service. Turnkey houses are built, windows are installed, websites are created and other services are provided. It is not surprising for us that the majority of web studio clients do not understand what it means to create a turnkey website. Therefore, it is often asked about what is included in the service, because each performer implies a certain set of actions and amount of work. In this article we will explain what is the creation of a turnkey website and what the service includes. Continue reading