What are the requirements for seo texts for the site?
Having written a couple - three simple informational articles, take a closer look at the…

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20+ site creation mistakes that you should avoid
Savings when ordering the development of the site as a result becomes his worst enemy.…

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TOP 5 best corporate sites of companies
It so happened that in a web environment, developers spend most of their time on…


Snippet optimization
In October 2010, the topic “Optimizing the appearance of the site in the search results…

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How to make a technical task (TZ) for a copywriter?
The main problem of obtaining water and useless texts from copywriters lies in the absence…


support service

Convert a Word document to a PDF file and convert it to FB2

The use of desktop, mobile PC and tablet screens to read fiction, technical information and other materials has been widely used among users. It is also popular to use for these purposes portable devices, characterized by small displays.

Therefore, it will be useful for all owners of modern devices to know, and some people even have to figure out how to convert the Doc format to PDF or convert Word to Fb2. Continue reading

Linkotek – link quality analyzer

Linkotek – the name of its own design i-Media. This program is designed to automate the reference site promotion. This tool is designed to work on ranking ranking factors. Our system automates the management of external links and monitors the parameters of internal optimization.

As a result, you get:
Lower cost of search engine optimization
Higher position in search engines Continue reading