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How to design the perfect footer site?

Website owners often do not pay attention to the footer, thinking that it does not carry value: it is at the bottom, and therefore not interesting to users. But it is not. A properly designed basement with a well-thought-out design, competent structure and necessary content will attract the user’s attention, keep it on the site and coordinate on further actions. That is why the effectiveness of a quality basement is indisputable.
Footer for site
What is a footer, how important is it and why
The site’s footer (footer, footer) is the bottom of the page, where useful, but not paramount, information is put. It can be absolutely any information that may be interesting to the target audience, as well as the information that should be on the site, but it is not rational to put it in the main menu in order to keep it compact and logical.

A well-optimized footer will make it easier to navigate the site and help you achieve business goals, as it is an additional source of important information for the user, if he did not find it on the page.

Making the footer site
The main advantages of the bottom of the site
Footer can include absolutely any information that may be of interest to the user: from contact details to links to pages with additional services of the company. These elements bring a number of business benefits.

Emphasis on the important
One has only to conjure over the design of the basement, as it will be the main focus on useful information. Using the footer, you can tell your client about the company and its activities in more detail, offer to subscribe to the newsletter or provide information to partners using the active link to the relevant pages. The basement simplifies navigation for the user, if he needs to go to any section on the site. To do this, it is enough to select the necessary link at the end of the site, without scrolling up the entire page. Therefore, it is in vain to think that the lower part of the site is useless. She will definitely find her user, attract attention and keep on the site.

Footer design
Lead generation growth
Footer will tell the user that the end of the site is not the end. It will help keep the consumer, push him to further action: fill out a feedback form, go to the community page on social networks, record contact details or register. This all affects the overall conversion of the site. Thanks to the correct design of the basement, the visitor can easily become a client. The main thing is to know what is interesting for Central Asia and what to place in this part of the page. Each error can lead to a decrease in lead generation and, as a result, a conversion rate. To avoid this, look for web design errors.

Maximum useful and important information
All useful information that does not fit in the menu or does not fit in its specifics, can be placed in the footer. Disclose your user legal information, attract sponsors and partners, provide useful links for company employees. Believe me, such information will not be overlooked.

Site Basement Examples
Site Navigation
If the user has gone far away from the header (header) and approaches the footer, then he has not yet found what is interesting and important to him. So everything is in your hands. Placing navigation links will make it easier for your potential client to find the information he needs and will extend the time of using the site.

Maximum attention grabbing
The basement until the last holds the attention of the site visitor, holding it. He, like, the final chord gives the user another chance to get valuable information. And for this to work well, it is only necessary to properly arrange the lower part of the site. How to do it – tell you later.

Site footer examples
What should be in the footer of the site?
The content and design of the footer basement site are closely related. The design of the whole block depends on what is placed in this part. Filling elements depend on the company’s activities and features of the target audience. We will list most of the items that can be placed at the bottom of the page. You will only have to choose the most suitable in your particular case, based on your business.

A simple way to protect your content from being stolen is to claim copyright. This implies that for the theft of any content or idea / design of the site, the one who did it, can be held accountable. In fact, of course, everything is much different, since attempts to steal your content can still be made.

Every year it is necessary to update the figure about copyright information. This can be done in two ways: manually or automatically using a simple script in the code.
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