Cognitive facts about Twitter and the history of the development of microblogging services
Twitter is a great example of how a surprisingly simple idea can be implemented via…

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20+ site creation mistakes that you should avoid
Savings when ordering the development of the site as a result becomes his worst enemy.…

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What are the requirements for seo texts for the site?
Having written a couple - three simple informational articles, take a closer look at the…


How to make a technical task (TZ) for a copywriter?
The main problem of obtaining water and useless texts from copywriters lies in the absence…

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The correct structure of the web site for SEO
The structure is responsible for two important components of the success of the site. From…


well-written snippet

The main stages of creating a site

The sequence of creating the site and a clear study of the stages is the key to the success of the entire project. Perhaps, not knowing the user may seem that the development of the site – a damn thing. Well, what is difficult here is that he invented the design, folded it up, filled it with a couple of texts and is ready. In fact, each stage of creating a website is painstaking work, for which each developer from the web studio team is responsible. Continue reading

Linkotek – link quality analyzer

Linkotek – the name of its own design i-Media. This program is designed to automate the reference site promotion. This tool is designed to work on ranking ranking factors. Our system automates the management of external links and monitors the parameters of internal optimization.

As a result, you get:
Lower cost of search engine optimization
Higher position in search engines Continue reading