The right combination and selection of colors for the site: recommendations for beginners
80% of all information from the outside world, we perceive through vision. When we see…

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Facts about Google: search history and interesting projects
Today, Google is associated not only with the most popular web site - Google search…

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How to check the TCI and PR site?
Consider several ways to check the TIC and PR site. 1. Using a special form…


Promotion in the search for pictures on the Internet
As time goes by, advertising technologies are changing, advertisers are looking for new ways to…

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What is the creation of a turnkey website?
Now it has become fashionable to use the phrase "turnkey" as a prefix to the…


objective opinion

Rewriting and selling copywriting: see what it is

Friends and colleagues, hello! I love to conduct a comparative analysis of the whole row. Do you think it has nothing to do with copywriting? Perhaps, for the near-ryter, tapping out another bediolovny tekstik and does not have, but you and I will benefit. Today, using this method, I will tell you what it is – rewriting and copywriting and how they are fundamentally different.

To begin with, why did the desire to compare these two types of work on texts ever occur? Continue reading

How to check the TCI and PR site?

Consider several ways to check the TIC and PR site.
1. Using a special form on our website
To check these indicators, you need to enter the address of your resource in the line and click on the “Determine” button. After a few seconds, results appear under the form.
TCI and PR
http: //
Enter the correct URL []
2. Install Browser Plugin Continue reading