What are the requirements for seo texts for the site?
Having written a couple - three simple informational articles, take a closer look at the…

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SEO site audit when creating or doing a technical task to develop the site correctly
Are you planning to develop a website that will be further promoted through SEO? Already…

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Basic trends of web design
The quality of the design determines the success of the entire site. Therefore, it is…


What should be the main page of the site?
The main page of the site is one of the most important pages, which is…

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The right combination and selection of colors for the site: recommendations for beginners
80% of all information from the outside world, we perceive through vision. When we see…


terms of reference

What is the creation of a turnkey website?

Now it has become fashionable to use the phrase “turnkey” as a prefix to the service. Turnkey houses are built, windows are installed, websites are created and other services are provided. It is not surprising for us that the majority of web studio clients do not understand what it means to create a turnkey website. Therefore, it is often asked about what is included in the service, because each performer implies a certain set of actions and amount of work. In this article we will explain what is the creation of a turnkey website and what the service includes. Continue reading