Interesting facts about the Internet
Back in 2011, the United Nations recognized Internet access as a basic human right. The…

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Snippet optimization
In October 2010, the topic “Optimizing the appearance of the site in the search results…

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Where can I buy an article for the site: the exchange of low-cost content
When creating your site, the question arises about its content. Well, not everyone can or…


How to check the TCI and PR site?
Consider several ways to check the TIC and PR site. 1. Using a special form…

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Website promotion in Yandex
Do you have your own business ?! Are you the owner of your company's corporate…


terms of reference

What is the creation of a turnkey website?

Now it has become fashionable to use the phrase “turnkey” as a prefix to the service. Turnkey houses are built, windows are installed, websites are created and other services are provided. It is not surprising for us that the majority of web studio clients do not understand what it means to create a turnkey website. Therefore, it is often asked about what is included in the service, because each performer implies a certain set of actions and amount of work. In this article we will explain what is the creation of a turnkey website and what the service includes. Continue reading