Promotion in the search for pictures on the Internet
As time goes by, advertising technologies are changing, advertisers are looking for new ways to…

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Convert a Word document to a PDF file and convert it to FB2
The use of desktop, mobile PC and tablet screens to read fiction, technical information and…

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Review of online logo creation services: paid and free ways
Greetings to all readers of my blog, without exception. Each of you sees a lot…


Website promotion in Yandex
Do you have your own business ?! Are you the owner of your company's corporate…

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TOP 5 best corporate sites of companies
It so happened that in a web environment, developers spend most of their time on…


citizens will have

What are the rewriting techniques and find the hidden picture in the text 18+

Oh, almighty rewriting! When the master of the pen is taken for it – an article on any, the most frequently encountered topic may become unrecognizable for ingenious programs designed specifically for plagiarism. And today we will talk in more detail about what rewriting techniques are. I wrote about the very concept of rewriting in this article.

Rewriting is convenient because it allows even a novice, not very well versed in the subject, to make a more or less original text. Continue reading

Snippet optimization

In October 2010, the topic “Optimizing the appearance of the site in the search results of Yandex” appeared on the Yandex blog, detailing the new features of Yandex.Webmaster that contribute to optimizing the visual presentation of the site in the results.

More about snippets
Today, it’s no secret to anyone in the SEO world that search engines, along with content, are paying more and more attention to the visual content of the site – design, interface. Continue reading