Units of Information
In the process of recalculation has its own nuances. It is because of them that…

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How to make a technical task (TZ) for a copywriter?
The main problem of obtaining water and useless texts from copywriters lies in the absence…

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Features and examples of the development of B2B sites
The goals and objectives of B2B sites are larger and more complex from those that…


How to make a technical task (TZ) for a copywriter?
The main problem of obtaining water and useless texts from copywriters lies in the absence…

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Units of Information
In the process of recalculation has its own nuances. It is because of them that…


prestigious areas

Rewriting and selling copywriting: see what it is

Friends and colleagues, hello! I love to conduct a comparative analysis of the whole row. Do you think it has nothing to do with copywriting? Perhaps, for the near-ryter, tapping out another bediolovny tekstik and does not have, but you and I will benefit. Today, using this method, I will tell you what it is – rewriting and copywriting and how they are fundamentally different.

To begin with, why did the desire to compare these two types of work on texts ever occur? Continue reading

Who and when invented the Internet: who created it and when the first site was launched

Do you know at what speed I went online for the first time? 32 kilobits per second. Those who are younger probably will not even be able to imagine this. One song in MP3 I downloaded an hour; to get on the Internet, I waited a minute while the computer through the phone with a creak (in the literal sense, there was a creak) would reach the world wide web; Popular search engines were not Yandex and not Google. In general, plunge into history.

World Wide Web: Common or Draw? Continue reading