The @ sign: the history of the appearance of a character when writing an email address, and for what reason it is called "dog"
Many of the global network jargon have come into our lives. Such memes include cake,…

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Choosing a niche for an information site
But first a little intro. What is an information site and why do it? Suppose…

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Who and when invented the Internet: who created it and when the first site was launched
Do you know at what speed I went online for the first time? 32 kilobits…


TOP best examples of business cards
Often, small business companies ignore the idea of ​​creating a site, trying to promote their…

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How is search engine promotion cost determined?
Website promotion in search engines is a process that requires an individual approach only. The…


must be taken only

Units of Information

In the process of recalculation has its own nuances. It is because of them that users have difficulties. The problem is that mostly people use the decimal number system to which everyone has long been accustomed. For example, if the unit of measurement has the prefix “kilo”, then the value just needs to be multiplied by one thousand. However, information that is transmitted or stored in digital form is measured using the values ​​of the binary system. In this regard, to find out how many KB are in MB, it is not enough to perform a simple multiplication by 1000. This feature needs to be dealt with in more detail, which will be done later in the article. Continue reading