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How is search engine promotion cost determined?

Website promotion in search engines is a process that requires an individual approach only. The strategy and method of promotion depends not only on the goals of the customer, but also on a number of factors:
competitor activity;
site themes;
features of its structure;
content, etc.
Therefore, the cost of search engine optimization can not be the same for all sites – the process of calculating the budget for promotion is always individual. In this article we will talk about the main aspects that affect the cost of promotion, so that you have an idea about the features of pricing.

Scale advance
In promoting a website, as in advertising on traditional media, there is a simple rule: the more global the advertising campaign, the more it costs. If you want to promote the site on an all-Russian scale, then the budget should be several times more than if you choose a regional promotion. More information about the possibilities and features of regional promotion can be found in this article.

Site theme
The theme of the site is determined by the competitive environment. There is a group of highly competitive topics on which a huge number of sites are already moving. These include plastic windows, insurance, tourism, cars, air conditioners, banks, legal services, etc. The colossal competition in these subjects inflated promotion budgets. Therefore, today trying to promote the site, for example, at the request of “plastic windows”, having a monthly budget of 30 thousand rubles is a waste of money (unless of course you are going to use the regional promotion). It is much more expedient to spend them on other types of advertising, for example, on contextual advertising.

Website promotion in medium and low competitive subjects is much more accessible. Today, the war of competitors is, above all, a war of budgets. If for the positions in the search engine on your subject is a tough competitive struggle – be prepared for big expenses.

Promoted requests
In fact, this factor cannot exist separately from the previous one, since He is his result, but first things first. When you decide on the need to promote the site, you will have to make another, no less important decision: what requests do you want to be first in the search engine. Here you need to know that the cost of optimization directly depends on the list of requests, and, first of all, on their number and frequency. If we talk about the frequency of requests, then requests are low-frequency (hereinafter LF), mid-frequency (hereinafter MF) and high-frequency (hereinafter HF). What does it mean?

Requests are those words that users specify in search engines, for example, “vacation in the Moscow region”, “airplanes”, “buy a fan”, etc.

Frequency is how many times a month users search for a given query. Usually, the frequency is determined by Yandex, which is the most popular search engine in Russia. You can evaluate the frequency of requests in the Yandex.Direct word selection service.

High-frequency queries are usually considered requests with a frequency greater than 5000, medium-frequency – from 500 to 5000, low-frequency – less than 500. The greater the frequency of the request, the greater the number of people interested in them. Accordingly, more traffic (the number of visitors) will come to the site located in the TOP by such a request. Moving on by high-frequency queries, the site receives a large number of visitors, but remember that not every high-frequency query will be effective. For example, if the dental clinic chooses a “teeth” query for promotion, then a huge number of users will come to the site, many of which will be untargeted (for example, students and schoolchildren looking for materials for study). It is much more effective to choose less frequent and more targeted requests, for example, “dental treatment” or “Balashikha dentistry” (if the clinic is located in Balashikha).

The price of HF requests is usually the highest, but in the final costs per 1 attracted visitor are less due to the huge amount of traffic. LF requests are usually the most targeted, for example, “setting brackets cost” is a request that, as a rule, is set by potential customers. But at the same time there are few such people, which is why the visitor attraction will cost more. Each type of query has its pros and cons, therefore, in any case, we always recommend including queries in the group of queries and HF, MF, and LF. This method allows you to quickly attract visitors to the site with low frequency queries, then from the MF and in the end pull up the most competitive high frequency queries. Such optimization will look natural for search engines and will provide your business with a gradually increasing stream of customers from the very first stages of optimization.

Initial parameters of the site
Each site has its own characteristics or initial parameters. You can promote almost any site, only one month will be enough for promotion for 2-3 months, and the other will not be promoted in a year. The fact is that the site has several important characteristics for optimization. Let’s give an example. As you know, the Wikipedia site is in the TOP on a huge number of requests.

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