Rewriting and selling copywriting: see what it is
Friends and colleagues, hello! I love to conduct a comparative analysis of the whole row.…

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Linkotek - link quality analyzer
Linkotek - the name of its own design i-Media. This program is designed to automate…

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How to make a technical task (TZ) for a copywriter?
The main problem of obtaining water and useless texts from copywriters lies in the absence…


Where can I buy an article for the site: the exchange of low-cost content
When creating your site, the question arises about its content. Well, not everyone can or…

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What is different from the landing site?
We are often asked the question of how the landing page differs from the usual…


regular website

What is different from the landing site?

We are often asked the question of how the landing page differs from the usual site and business card site. We decided to describe in detail the key differences, which at the time of selection will help determine: order a landing page or site.

What is a landing page and what is a regular site Continue reading