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How to make a technical task (TZ) for a copywriter?

The main problem of obtaining water and useless texts from copywriters lies in the absence of a properly written technical task for them. Or its complete absence. A small list of keywords without specifying individual wishes, technical requirements for the text and without a clear structure give the copywriter a green light – he writes ad-libbing, which can only upset you.

How to make a copywriter specification for SEO
Therefore, before you order the writing of the text, you need to know how to make the TK copywriter. And we will help you with this. In this article, you will learn the algorithm for compiling a full-fledged technical specification that will help the copywriter to write quality text. We have developed this algorithm on our own and now we are sharing with you absolutely free of charge 🙂

Why bother to write TZ to a copywriter?
When writing an SEO-optimized text or article, it is very important to consider all the requirements for a search robot. You, as an entrepreneur and, concurrently, the customer, it is practically impossible to make a quality TZ on your own. We need knowledge, experience, ability to analyze business and competitors – all this is taken into account when drawing up a technical document. Therefore, this is engaged in SEO-specialist. In addition, the TK on the text copywriter can be part of the SEO analysis to create a website. Read more about this in the article on the technical specifications for the development of the site.

What is all this for?
Written text should be as useful as possible for your business. Your clients, having read the text on your site, must scoop up the value or perform any action that we need. Also, SEO-text should help promote the page of your site. It turns out that high-quality content is a symbiosis of your desires and requirements with the requirements of the search algorithm.

Text quality is the most important parameter. It should satisfy all existing requests that the SEO specialist knows about.

Specialist specialist – strife
How many people – so many opinions. There are experts who rivet the technical project on a template, indicating to the copywriter only the main parameters for the content.

An example of a technical task for writing text
This approach leaves no chance for positive results and as a result we get a text like this:

An example of the design and writing of the text for a weak TK
We believe that the writing and design of each text as well as for each business should have an individual and deep analytical approach. Here it is important not only to specify the technical parameters necessary for SEO text optimization. It is very important to understand the business, to understand the client, to understand the purpose of the content itself, to create truly effective text, to give value to the reader and to help bring the site to the TOP on demand.

In addition, the TK is a logical bridge between the customer and the copywriter, which allows the specialist to understand what is required of him. As a result, the customer gets the perfect text for all his personal requirements and effective content in terms of promotion.

What technical parameters of the text affect the promotion of the site and should be in the TK?
The technical task involves the specification of technical parameters that affect the promotion of the site. Here we are talking about those indicators and elements demanded by the rules of SEO. Let’s talk about them in more detail.

Uniqueness of the text
The search robot loves and honors uniqueness, so the site should be unique in everything: design, photos and texts. Therefore, the uniqueness of information content is an important indicator. But there is always “BUT”.

Uniqueness is the percentage of the ratio of our material to borrowed from other sources. The concept is quite relative. It implies that the text should be created from scratch, without copy-paste and rewriting. If the search algorithm notices (and he definitely notices) that the text on your site is absolutely not unique and copied from another source, finding that the source was the first to post its unique text, then it is quite possible to impose sanctions on your page. Conclusion: you can not copy-paste.

But there is another side to this medal. The text written from scratch by a copywriter may not always be unique. The use of technical terms, quotes, any numbers and indicators, product names, brand names, companies, and just popular phrases like: “furniture manufacturer in Kiev”, found on all thematic sites, will not be unique. But this does not make the whole text non-unique and does not harm the site in terms of its promotion. Unfortunately, many clients do not understand this, listening to cliches and dreaming to get a text with the uniqueness of 100%.

Uniqueness should not be less than 90%. This figure is the starting point for the search engine. If the indicator is lower, it means that there are really copy-paste in the text or too non-unique and widespread phrases, from which one must either get rid of or rewrite in a different way.