Interesting facts about the Internet
Back in 2011, the United Nations recognized Internet access as a basic human right. The…

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Convert a Word document to a PDF file and convert it to FB2
The use of desktop, mobile PC and tablet screens to read fiction, technical information and…

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How to design the perfect footer site?
Website owners often do not pay attention to the footer, thinking that it does not…


Website promotion abroad
Your business has gained good momentum in the Russian Internet space, and you want to…

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What should be the main page of the site?
The main page of the site is one of the most important pages, which is…


site from the given

What is different from the landing site?

We are often asked the question of how the landing page differs from the usual site and business card site. We decided to describe in detail the key differences, which at the time of selection will help determine: order a landing page or site.

What is a landing page and what is a regular site Continue reading