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Everything you need to know about the corporate website
The idea of ​​a site that is able to work on two fronts at once,…

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Everything you need to know about the corporate website
The idea of ​​a site that is able to work on two fronts at once,…


TOP 5 best corporate sites of companies

It so happened that in a web environment, developers spend most of their time on landing pages and online stores. Developing selling strategies, unique concepts, selling content and design are all designed to catch the visitor’s attention, hold it and make the client. But really cool corporate sites are very few. Over time, the development of site building corporate sites imposed a cliche: they are created solely to provide information about the company and its business.

Developers and customers forget that any site, including corporate, can sell. Therefore, they do not focus on its selling properties, do not think about marketing, do not look for clues to convert a visitor into a client. As a result, such sites do not bring the desired effect, and enterprises are forced to invest in the development of the same landing pages. A selection of business sites is prepared for you from 5 examples of corporate portals with a powerful design, high selling properties, excellent information component and excellent usability, which in their effect are not worse than the best online stores. And if you have not previously worked with corporate portals and meet this type of site for the first time, we recommend finding out what a corporate site is.

An example of a company website selling luxury interior tiles
The main pages of modern corporate sites, in most cases, are designed in the style of the Landing page. From the user point of view it is very convenient. First, there are no long texts about the company that are not interesting to read on the main page. Secondly, the services and the main advantages of the company, the benefits to the client are immediately demonstrated to the visitor. From the point of view of efficiency for a company, a landing page-style home page allows you to get customers faster. A vivid example of this was the next site.

The home page of the site shows us a unique selling proposition on dynamically changing slides with product photos. Already at first glance, a sense of prestige production is created, the design looks expensive due to selected colors.

Further, a vivid example of compressed information about the company. Here are the facts, without water and standard expressions and phrases. The visitor gets a clear understanding of what the company is, its experience and capabilities. At the end of the information block is the active button. When clicked, the visitor goes to the “About Company” page, where information about production lines with photos is posted. The button performs two functions – it allows a person to get more information about the organization, as well as to perform a website visitor behavior analysis.

Business website with beautiful design
Scroll through the main page below and go to the block of benefits. Benefits are described concisely, in order to get more information to a person, just click on the button below the spread.

The best site of the company
The functionality of the site is fully disclosed in the next block – the directory.

Best site for business
The catalog is designed in a single concept and style of the site: photos of goods in shades of gray, a brief description of each category. The user can select his category of interest or click on the red button, after which he will go to the individual tile selection page.

Company website analysis
Here you will be able to choose products based on your wishes: by color, size, collection, etc. A very convenient and correct solution that converts a visitor to a potential customer.

The whole site resembles the style of “classic.” White and gray tones make it an interesting site for a business luxurious and sophisticated, red accents attract attention. Every move is thought out here: download speed, photo quality, functionality, info content. Nothing superfluous, but at the same time there is a feeling of complete understanding about the company’s activities and proposals. This example of creating a corporate site can serve as an excellent inspiration for designers who are looking for fresh ideas or you need to find the answer for what should be the perfect color scheme for a site.

The following sample corporate site
A living example of the site of the web-representation of the company with a demonstration of the advantages and benefits for the client on the first page of the main page A very interesting solution, quite atypical for a corporate site, is to lay out all the cards to the visitor when he first visits the site, telling about services and promotions. The first page spread is designed in the form of sliders and categories of the site, which contain a brief info about each service and an active button to go to the page of the relevant topic.

This solution has significantly reduced the length of the main page. Further we see the company’s services in the form of a small modern catalog and additional services,
Sample corporate site
Very modern marketing project, which cuts the “stereotypes” of the corporate site.