Registration in the Yandex Catalog
Registration in the Yandex catalog is free and paid. If your site has commercial objectives,…

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How to make the perfect introduction for an article: secrets and principles for a good start
Hello everyone, Pavel Yamb is in touch and today we are analyzing the beginning, the…

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Website promotion abroad
Your business has gained good momentum in the Russian Internet space, and you want to…


SEO site audit when creating or doing a technical task to develop the site correctly
Are you planning to develop a website that will be further promoted through SEO? Already…

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Units of Information
In the process of recalculation has its own nuances. It is because of them that…


souvenir or a business card

Review of online logo creation services: paid and free ways

Greetings to all readers of my blog, without exception. Each of you sees a lot of logos every day. They are integral elements of any company, regardless of its size. The logo is the face of the brand. Therefore, large organizations spend thousands and even millions of dollars to create these small emblems, which are product and / or service IDs. If the logo is designed correctly, then product awareness increases, marketing efficiency increases, customer loyalty increases, it is possible to protect customers from counterfeit, and so on. Continue reading