Which domain to choose for the site?
A domain name is more than the address of your site. This is a business…

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The @ sign: the history of the appearance of a character when writing an email address, and for what reason it is called "dog"
Many of the global network jargon have come into our lives. Such memes include cake,…

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Everything you need to know about the corporate website
The idea of ​​a site that is able to work on two fronts at once,…


Features and examples of the development of B2B sites
The goals and objectives of B2B sites are larger and more complex from those that…

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Where to order a turnkey website
Selecting an artist to create a site is an important step on which the result…


company sells general

The right combination and selection of colors for the site: recommendations for beginners

80% of all information from the outside world, we perceive through vision. When we see an object, assess its appearance, shape and color, we create a first impression of it. A person can understand in a split second that he wants to buy a product just because he likes his color, their beautiful combination, the chosen palette. Agree, you are unlikely to decide to buy yellow-green pants in red peas and go to them for an important meeting, because the colors are absolutely not combined and you will look, to put it mildly, ridiculous. Continue reading