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The correct structure of the web site for SEO

The structure is responsible for two important components of the success of the site. From its correctness, logical construction depends on the convenience of the user. If the structure is designed incorrectly, navigation is inconvenient for the consumer to search for the required category / subcategory, then he will not stay on the site for a long time by closing the tab with him in the browser.

Site structure is an essential technical tool in terms of SEO. Improper construction of the site structure greatly complicates the promotion of users on the site. Therefore, when developing the resource architecture, it is necessary to analyze the placement of each section and subsection in order to do everything competently, satisfying the user’s needs and responding to the requirements of search robots.

Unfortunately, a clear definition of what should be the correct structure does not exist. It depends on the type of site, semantic core and target audience, therefore it is always individual. However, there are recommended types of structures, as well as the basic rules for its development. We will talk about this in our article.

What is the structure of the site and what is its importance
Site structure is a logical construction of all pages of a resource. The scheme by which the path to folders, categories, subcategories, product cards (if they are provided) is distributed. From a technical point of view, resource navigation is a set of URLs, logically arranged in a specific sequence. The structure is interconnected with the semantic core. That is what it says about which folders and documents should be present on the site. Therefore, having collected semantics, it is already possible to make sketches of a scheme for constructing each future URL.

An example of the logical structure of the site
More simply, the structure of the site can be compared to a supermarket. When you enter the store, you expect to see milk in the dairy department, bread in the bread department. Agree that if you do not find the product in the relevant department, you will not go shopping in its search, but simply go to another market. Similarly with the structure. If the consumer does not find the product he wants in the category he expects, he will go to your competitors. In this case, the importance of the scheme from the point of view of the consumer factor.

Good structure = effective SEO promotion
Search robots spend pass on the links of the site. And the more correct, the structure of the site will be made easier, the less the search robot spends its resources and the faster it will go around the resource. This will lead to faster site indexing. Moreover, correctly and logically placed documents on the site can get into the search engine index the very next day. Therefore, the structure directly affects the ranking. The better it is, the faster the indexing will occur. This is an essential factor for SEO promotion.

Do not forget about the distribution of internal link weights on the pages. Without internal weight, pages can be poorly indexed and ranked, as search engines may find these pages to be of poor quality and of little authority. In addition, the most important pages should receive more than this weight. The site with the correct structure distributes the internal link weight across all pages in accordance with their importance for the user and for promotion. Thus, it also affects the ranking.

The structure of the website in search
It is impossible to customize the result of issuing your own hands. The search algorithm independently forms this function on the basis of the structure, the trust of the search engine to the resource and the most popular categories or sections of the resource.

Good structure = search engine trust in the site
The search engine draws an analogy between the site and the attitude of users to it. The more attractive the resource is to consumers, the more attractive it is to search engines. If Google’s algorithm sees that a website has a low time for a visitor to appear on it, a poor click-through rate, it will perceive the resource as poor-quality, which will have a very bad effect on website promotion and search results.

If the user is conveniently located on the site (which depends, in part, on the structure), he spends quite a lot of time and eliminates the percentage of failures, making an order, the search algorithm will definitely notice this and increase the ranking of your site in the form of improved search results.

The correct structure focuses the user on the main actions on the site. It eliminates the difficulty of a person searching for the page he needs. In the opposite case, it will irreversibly reduce the conversion, since the user will not find what he is looking for and, accordingly, will not become a client.

The organizational structure of the site
Types of site structures: hierarchy levels and classification
If you already have a semantic core, and you imagine all the information that will be used on your resource, then the structure of the site should be built in the form of a schema in your understanding. In other words, hierarchy, logical and consistent chain of building and presenting information.