Which domain to choose for the site?
A domain name is more than the address of your site. This is a business…

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Interesting facts about the Internet
Back in 2011, the United Nations recognized Internet access as a basic human right. The…

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What are the requirements for seo texts for the site?
Having written a couple - three simple informational articles, take a closer look at the…


Site constructors rating
There was a need to create your website, but you do not know how to…

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How to promote Landing page?
After creating the landing page, it is important to think about its promotion. In 90%…


translate books

Convert a Word document to a PDF file and convert it to FB2

The use of desktop, mobile PC and tablet screens to read fiction, technical information and other materials has been widely used among users. It is also popular to use for these purposes portable devices, characterized by small displays.

Therefore, it will be useful for all owners of modern devices to know, and some people even have to figure out how to convert the Doc format to PDF or convert Word to Fb2. Continue reading