How to order a site and be satisfied
Once we were a small web studio. We wanted fame and fortune, tried to attract…

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Apostilling, certifying, authenticating - California apostille.
The right combination and selection of colors for the site: recommendations for beginners
80% of all information from the outside world, we perceive through vision. When we see…

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Basic trends of web design
The quality of the design determines the success of the entire site. Therefore, it is…


Where to order a turnkey website
Selecting an artist to create a site is an important step on which the result…

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Linkotek - link quality analyzer
Linkotek - the name of its own design i-Media. This program is designed to automate…



Everything you need to know about the corporate website

The idea of ​​a site that is able to work on two fronts at once, solving tasks and employees of a company and its clients, possessing tremendous opportunities and inevitably achieving set goals, is by no means a utopia. Today, the corporate website has become something more than the information representation of the company in the network. This is one of the most powerful tools for commercial and non-profit organizations, companies of large and medium-sized businesses, contributing to their rapid and stable development on the Internet. What is the secret of this site? We will understand further. Continue reading

How to design the perfect footer site?

Website owners often do not pay attention to the footer, thinking that it does not carry value: it is at the bottom, and therefore not interesting to users. But it is not. A properly designed basement with a well-thought-out design, competent structure and necessary content will attract the user’s attention, keep it on the site and coordinate on further actions. That is why the effectiveness of a quality basement is indisputable. Continue reading

Where can I buy an article for the site: the exchange of low-cost content

When creating your site, the question arises about its content. Well, not everyone can or love to write with talent and beauty. Well, because of this, and the site does not start? This issue is solved easily: you can order, and you can buy an article for the site. Where, how much, under what conditions – we’ll talk about it today.

The benefits of exchanges
Due to the fact that companies and individuals have a constant need for websites, content exchanges have arisen specifically for filling in the Internet, where you can buy or order ready-made articles. Continue reading