Website promotion abroad
Your business has gained good momentum in the Russian Internet space, and you want to…

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How to design the perfect footer site?
Website owners often do not pay attention to the footer, thinking that it does not…

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How to order a site and be satisfied
Once we were a small web studio. We wanted fame and fortune, tried to attract…


Who and when invented the Internet: who created it and when the first site was launched
Do you know at what speed I went online for the first time? 32 kilobits…

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How is search engine promotion cost determined?
Website promotion in search engines is a process that requires an individual approach only. The…


program find

What is the domain and hosting for the site Rubric: Website creation

Creating your site is one of the stages of a long journey that a neophyte is going to, who has decided to freelance or blog and earn in this way his bread and butter. And where does the site start? Of course, from thinking over its general concept – what is it about, why, how will it be technically implemented. But when these issues are resolved and it is time for the site to arise physically – further problems arise: where and how to register a domain, from whom to buy hosting. I decided to devote my next article to the analysis of these particular concepts: to many newcomers, they seem complicated and frightening. Continue reading