Linkotek - link quality analyzer
Linkotek - the name of its own design i-Media. This program is designed to automate…

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What are the rewriting techniques and find the hidden picture in the text 18+
Oh, almighty rewriting! When the master of the pen is taken for it - an…

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What is SEO optimization
Surely you have heard about the search engine promotion site. Even if you do not…


TOP best examples of business cards
Often, small business companies ignore the idea of ​​creating a site, trying to promote their…

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Units of Information
In the process of recalculation has its own nuances. It is because of them that…


visitor behavior analysis

TOP 5 best corporate sites of companies

It so happened that in a web environment, developers spend most of their time on landing pages and online stores. Developing selling strategies, unique concepts, selling content and design are all designed to catch the visitor’s attention, hold it and make the client. But really cool corporate sites are very few. Over time, the development of site building corporate sites imposed a cliche: they are created solely to provide information about the company and its business. Continue reading