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The Internet as a means of communication for the authorities

In the modern information society, local governments have begun to provide significant attention to creating their own web pages.

Among the information tools, the global Internet, as a modern means through which you can get the necessary data through any access point on the planet and at any time, is playing an increasingly important role.

A number of legislative acts of Ukraine obliges local authorities to publish their own regulations and other information relating to their activities.

At the same time, the current legislation only in some cases directly obliges local authorities to post information on the Internet (regulatory acts, their projects and impact analyzes, plans for the preparation of regulatory acts, lists of real estate objects requiring reconstruction, a list of buildings, premises, land plots, which are provided or can be leased, etc.). However, local governments make such a publication at their discretion.

News on official sites, as well as in the media, are primarily promotional and promotional. However, experience has shown that it is not always possible for ordinary citizens to obtain information directly from government employees.

The best solution to this issue would be to hold Internet conferences that will allow to receive direct answers to citizens’ questions about the activities of city authorities, is an effective mechanism in building public relations and improving the image of both officials in particular and the city council in general.

For effective work of the city council website, scientists offer:

1) introduce a mechanism to respond to the comments and suggestions made public in the media about the activities of the city council;
2) to publish on the website and in the media work plans, analytical articles, which would explain the actions of the city council. This step will show the openness of power to society, and the media will be able to be informed in time and promptly cover the events announced;
3) it is advisable to develop a separate section “Interactive Surveys”, which will allow to know the objective opinion of the public on a particular problem, and making effective management decisions;
4) in order to form and maintain a positive public opinion, to form appropriate public behavior, the need to use an interactive PR-event, such as virtual press conferences with representatives of the local government.

With this type of press conference, you can achieve a sufficiently high level of democracy, accessibility, citizens will have the opportunity to ask clarifying questions and change the direction of the discussion. And the regularity of these events will make it possible to popularize the activities of the city council.

Thus, the use of the website to highlight information about the activities of local governments is appropriate and affects the formation, as a reputation, and the formation of the image of the municipal body.

Of particular importance is the possibility of using feedback in the portal, which in turn increases the trust of citizens and allows for a transparent coverage of the activities of the local government and take into account public opinion in management decisions. Therefore, you should pay attention to the possible prospects for improving the website of the city council.