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How to make the perfect introduction for an article: secrets and principles for a good start

Hello everyone, Pavel Yamb is in touch and today we are analyzing the beginning, the very first sentences of your future articles. Before talking about the rules for writing the introduction, please read the following paragraph carefully. I think you, as novice authors, it will be very interesting.

The size of earnings from different copywriters your. And often it depends on the number of orders that each of them can complete per day. How to make income not dependent on the frequency of tapping on the keyboard? Is there any passive income in copywriting? How to work intensively at the beginning, and then only reap the fruits of your labor? You can find out more answers to these questions if you devote 10 minutes of your time to this article and delve into the topic.

What was it?
You have just read the first part of the article. How do you like her? This is a good introduction with questions. Do you want to know what is written next? Introduction intrigued you? Did it lead to further reading? Did you want to get answers to the questions asked in it? I think yes. Then the goal, which was to intrigue the reader, can be considered achieved.

Pay attention to size. There are no hard and fast rules on the number of characters in it, there are only average criteria. These are 4-6 sentences on a topic or 200-500 letters without spaces. It may be a little more if you are writing an impressive article. But no less, because the introductory part of a single sentence can hardly be called a full-fledged introduction.

So, the introduction is the first part of the article, following the title in which the topic is defined. How to write a catchy title, you know. If he is really interesting, he has already managed to “sell” your future introduction, which, in turn, will “sell” the next part of the article. Paragraph by paragraph, the reader immerses himself in the topic, finds answers to his questions, or simply learns something new. For the process to be like this, you need to think carefully about your introduction. It must necessarily contain some problem that will be solved in the body of the article (its main part).

You can identify the problem and correctly write it in several ways:

Ask a Question.
Use a quote on the topic.
Include an interesting fact.
Write a little story.
Whichever way you choose to come up with an introduction, it’s important to have intrigue in it. Let us examine them in more detail, with examples.

Questions should relate to the topic of the article and interest the reader. Here are some examples:

Want to pump up the press, spending only 10 minutes a day?
Have you ever thought about remote earnings?
Did you know that an elephant’s memory is 10 times better than yours?
What if the spouse, coming home from work, eats, watches TV and sleeps?
How to behave when the wife is constantly grumbling and it is hard to please?
How to raise children so that at a party was not ashamed of their behavior?
What to cook on the New Year’s table to surprise the guests?
Should I start a pet when the baby in the house?
How to restrain yourself in the presence of the mother-in-law and not be rude to her?
How to make peace between husband and mother so that the mother-in-law becomes a friend to him?
After the question, you should write 3-5 sentences that “slightly open the curtain” of the future article, and give an opportunity to “look behind the scenes”.

Elephants – animals with amazing intelligence. Did you know that their memory is 10 times better than yours? If you offend him, he will definitely remember it. And even if you meet him in a few years, he will remember you and slap his massive paw with ease. Let’s get acquainted closer with these interesting animals, we will learn their habits and habits.

Everything. Making the introduction in the form of a question was not a big deal. It turned out five full sentences, catching the reader and encouraging him to move to the next paragraph. This is a classic way of writing the first part of the article, which is often used by many copywriters.

The quote is usually the expression of some famous person who lives now or left a memory of himself in past centuries. The main thing is that she would approach the topic of the article, smoothly let her down and look harmoniously in the introduction. As a rule, the quote is written immediately after the title and is enclosed in quotes, optionally, the author of the statement is indicated in parentheses. This is followed by a few sentences, “resulting” from it.

I will write a few quotes concerning the work of a copywriter:

“Write the same as laughing or making love; you give free rein to the senses, that’s all ”(Julio Cortasar).
“I never make a plan. If I compose, then from the first pages I will start writing not what the plan is. The plan for me is only a guiding idea, the tops, on which the actors move ”(A. Tolstoy).
“Excellent words! I wonder where you stole them? ”(Jonathan Swift).