How to find out the date the site was created: what it is for, who needs it and how
Yes, I remember how I was deceived when I was a novice and bought myself…

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Rewriting and selling copywriting: see what it is
Friends and colleagues, hello! I love to conduct a comparative analysis of the whole row.…

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Which domain to choose for the site?
A domain name is more than the address of your site. This is a business…


How to make the perfect introduction for an article: secrets and principles for a good start
Hello everyone, Pavel Yamb is in touch and today we are analyzing the beginning, the…

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Units of Information
In the process of recalculation has its own nuances. It is because of them that…


Monthly Archives: February 2019

The @ sign: the history of the appearance of a character when writing an email address, and for what reason it is called “dog”

Many of the global network jargon have come into our lives. Such memes include cake, trabl, life hacking, trolling, and so on. However, among all common and popular Internet jargon in runet, the first place is occupied by the “dog”.

This icon, familiar to the entire Internet audience, has the official name – “commercial at”, and it looks like this: @. Online, it is used to designate an email address. Continue reading

Review of online logo creation services: paid and free ways

Greetings to all readers of my blog, without exception. Each of you sees a lot of logos every day. They are integral elements of any company, regardless of its size. The logo is the face of the brand. Therefore, large organizations spend thousands and even millions of dollars to create these small emblems, which are product and / or service IDs. If the logo is designed correctly, then product awareness increases, marketing efficiency increases, customer loyalty increases, it is possible to protect customers from counterfeit, and so on. Continue reading

What are the rewriting techniques and find the hidden picture in the text 18+

Oh, almighty rewriting! When the master of the pen is taken for it – an article on any, the most frequently encountered topic may become unrecognizable for ingenious programs designed specifically for plagiarism. And today we will talk in more detail about what rewriting techniques are. I wrote about the very concept of rewriting in this article.

Rewriting is convenient because it allows even a novice, not very well versed in the subject, to make a more or less original text. Continue reading