How to design the perfect footer site?
Website owners often do not pay attention to the footer, thinking that it does not…

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Facts about Google: search history and interesting projects
Today, Google is associated not only with the most popular web site - Google search…

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What are the requirements for seo texts for the site?
Having written a couple - three simple informational articles, take a closer look at the…


How to make the perfect introduction for an article: secrets and principles for a good start
Hello everyone, Pavel Yamb is in touch and today we are analyzing the beginning, the…

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Units of Information
In the process of recalculation has its own nuances. It is because of them that…


article we will tell

Where to order a turnkey website

Selecting an artist to create a site is an important step on which the result of the work and, as a result, the success of the project and business depends. But before ordering a turnkey website, it is important to independently work out the idea of ​​the site, present the design or determine the specific elements that you would like to see on the site, and the functionality that contributes to the user experience. To simplify the task of the performer and not get lost in your notes, it is better to write them down, making suggestions, links to other resources for which you liked the design or individual elements. Continue reading

Features and examples of the development of B2B sites

The goals and objectives of B2B sites are larger and more complex from those that are placed in front of typical sites such as “business for customers.” Therefore, the requirements from a technical and marketing point of view are much higher. After all, the final decision on cooperation is taken by several persons. Therefore, it is necessary to satisfy the need of each of them. And usability is responsible for this, which is very important to think through to the smallest detail. Continue reading