How to make the perfect introduction for an article: secrets and principles for a good start
Hello everyone, Pavel Yamb is in touch and today we are analyzing the beginning, the…

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Site constructors rating
There was a need to create your website, but you do not know how to…

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Convert a Word document to a PDF file and convert it to FB2
The use of desktop, mobile PC and tablet screens to read fiction, technical information and…


How to find out the date the site was created: what it is for, who needs it and how
Yes, I remember how I was deceived when I was a novice and bought myself…

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How to check the TCI and PR site?
Consider several ways to check the TIC and PR site. 1. Using a special form…



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What should be the main page of the site?

The main page of the site is one of the most important pages, which is responsible for everything: will the user stay on the site, will he like the web site, will the company and the company be interested in his offer? A huge responsibility is placed on the main page. It depends on the first impression of the entire site and the user’s desire to stay on it or leave. Continue reading

SEO site audit when creating or doing a technical task to develop the site correctly

Are you planning to develop a website that will be further promoted through SEO? Already at this stage you want to minimize possible mistakes, eliminate the need for improvements for effective promotion, thereby saving your money? Or does the developer recommend you to perform an SEO audit for the development of the site for a fee, and you doubt its good intentions? Let’s finally understand what an SEO site audit is when it is created and why it is needed. Continue reading

How to design the perfect footer site?

Website owners often do not pay attention to the footer, thinking that it does not carry value: it is at the bottom, and therefore not interesting to users. But it is not. A properly designed basement with a well-thought-out design, competent structure and necessary content will attract the user’s attention, keep it on the site and coordinate on further actions. That is why the effectiveness of a quality basement is indisputable. Continue reading

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